The MiGCSA is dedicated to providing value to our members through programs and services that enhance and promote our profession.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Happy New Year

2016 is upon us just like that, it seems to happen faster every year. The course gets closed and conference season begins, and what a great one to start off the year at the Michigan Turfgrass Conference. Another home run by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF) and their Conference Committee, Chaired by Amy Fouty. I know it can sometimes be confusing as to who does what around here. That is actually a good thing because it means we are doing things well together. This year was no exception, the lineup was superb, the schedule Tuesday to Thursday was an amazing “why did we not do this before improvement” the organization and flow was flawless. Thank you to Amy, Becky Schooch, MTF Executive Secretary, Gordie LaFontaine, MTF Executive Director, Brian Schweihofer, MTF President, Dr. Kevin Frank and the many, many more who serve on committees and work so hard to produce such a great show.

The winter is also a great time to take stock of your shop and property. One of the hats I wear is the Program Director for the Michigan Turfgrass Environmental Stewardship Program (MTESP) which I started with in 2013. I hope many if not all reading this know we are now a 100% online program. The winter is a great time to sit down in the office and register your facility with the MTESP at The 12 modules are easy to complete and can really help you get a better understanding of your property and how it interacts with the local environment. Where the water goes, where it comes in, how is it impacted by your practices. It is easy and it is free to participate in the modules. Go take a look, it really is a great tool for us here in Michigan.